It's all about Perception

I received the following message from Story Waters in my inbox this morning. How true it is! Things really are only as we perceive them to be! I have found that the more and more conscious that I become about how I view things, how I feel about things, the more I see the real intent or reason that 'I' have chosen to bring an event or person into my life. That these things really aren't dark, but here to bring me a beautiful gift cloaked in what appears to be dark wrapping. For even in the most dark times of my life or maybe BECAUSE of the dark times in my life, it is then, that I see that the light is not really something that is "out there". But that the true light resides within in me, it is the light of my own soul, my essence, it is the breath of why I am really here. Why I chose to incarnate into this form. It is then that I find the gift within me.

Have a beautiful day!


Thought for the Day - 13th January 10

Perception is a choice. There is such freedom in the realization of what this means. It is the taking of responsibility within ourselves for how we both react to and interpret the world around us. It is the empowered choice to own your feelings and as such is the release of all energies of victimhood. No one else can make you feel anything. You are the creator of your own feeling.

I start with these words as it is not possible to realize what the flow of life is and simultaneously carry victim energies such as blame or a negative perception of lack. To know your Self as the flow is to know that at the root of life is effortlessness, abundance, joy and unconditional love.

In my 'work', whether that be public speaking or personal sessions, I open myself to be the flow. I let go of any creational agenda or intent and allow myself to become the face of whatever I feel to be, whatever I feel to say, within the experience of flowing. For me channeling is flowing. It is channeling the flow into this world as directly as it is within me to allow.

I am not the possessor of accumulated wisdom. I am one who is flowing.

The flow is equally within us all. Allow yourself to flow into this world.

With love,
Story Waters

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