Energetic Connection & 'Stuff' by Story Waters

I have been amazed and delighted that as I have experienced this journey of awakening or enlightenment or whatever label it is that you want to name it by that when I lack the words for the feelings and unnameable insights that I have in my heart that there is someone else out there who has been given the words that mirror my journey...give it a solidation that I had been looking for. It makes me see and makes me realize how closely and how energetically we are all connected.

Reflecting on this past year (2009) the writings of Story Waters and Lee Harris have really been on vein with my own journey. As I received email after email from Story and Lee I would read their words and remark how what they were speaking of was the exact things that I had been pondering at the time, that their own insights were so very much the same that I had just had. It was this huge confirmation for me that we are not alone, that we are all connected, in energy, in thought, and even in journey. I have never met either Lee or Story nor spoken to either, so this to me, makes the 'coincidences' so much more more powerful! I truly feel that what we clear as an individual, how we grow as an individual affects the growth of all of us as a human family. We are all pivotally important to the growth of each other and humanity as a whole, and should never underestimate our potential to impact this world! So don't be afraid to remember the depth and greatness of who you truly are...to feel your journey to allow yourself to be so fully in the moment that you lose the concept of judgment, of fear, that you become one with the dance of life...



P.S. I was looking back on some of Story and Lee's work and as I read the insights that I had then with their entries still have relevance now though in another way...I hope that you who are seeking insight may find resonance with some of their words as well....I will post so of what I remember feeling a special connection to or feel one now....hope you enjoy!


by Story Waters

So basically I can just speak and this stuff comes out. I can write and this stuff comes out. I can look at the world and just see all this stuff. I can just see stuff about anything I focus on. And all this stuff is just amazing. And it has just got clearer and clearer, because that is all I can really say about how I do it. I have just sought to become clearer and clearer, both in how I see life and how I express life, both sides of the mirror. I have been exploring clarity, and the more clear you become the more stuff you start seeing, and you see stuff that is basically just magic that you are seeing it.

I really can't describe adequately how incredible it is to be perceiving reality in the way that I am and I really just want to try and offer the choice to see how amazing and incredible this world truly is. Not because my way of seeing things is better than anyone else's, but simply because it is such a joyous and amazing experience to experience the world the way I do. I've gone through some shitty and bumpy stuff to awaken. I've been angry at times. I've felt alienated at times. But now that I am here, I can see how totally worth it this journey of awakening has all been - to get to this clarity, to get to this freedom of vision, to get to this feeling of joy, to see all this frackin' amazing stuff.

Up until now I have been attached to people hearing my message of awakening. I have now polished this wound away as I know that stuff is available to anyone who wants to hear it. When someone wants to see this amazing stuff that is all around us they will bring themselves to see that stuff with or without my help, but I am joyous to be a bridge to this stuff. Now that I am clear I know it to be joy to continue to express my clarity in ever more diverse ways.
I am in love with life.

see www.limitlessness.com for more work of both Story Waters and Lee Harris.